Nuclear Energy Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where is previous discussion of this FAQ?
A: This is the first version of this FAQ, there is no previous discussion.
Q: Is nuclear energy needed to stop global warming?
A: No, see "The full global warming solution" summarized here: Are nuclear industry cost estimates credible?
A: No, see Nuclear Engineering International Magazine: comment by pro-nuke on Nuclear Energy Industry propaganda website: fact that the "official" capital cost estimates for new reactors has been going up, oh, about 50% per year for several years now is annoying enough ($1000/kW ~7 years ago, then $1500/kW, then $2000, then $2500, and now I'm even hearing about $3000-$4000). Am I being lied to now or was I being lied to then? Inflation and materials cost escalation is nowhere near enough to explain this.
The answer is both, they were lying then and they are lying now, estimates by Moodys etc,..
Q: Can an existing reactor "go chernobyl"?
A: Yes, see Station Blackout issue, UCS, others.
Q: Can the new reactors "go Chernobyl"?
A: Yes - see ASN press release about leaked documents.
Q: Can "Generation IV" or "Gen 4" reactors "go Chernobyl"?
A: Yes - PBMR cancelled for that reason.
Q: How much damage was caused by Chernobyl?
A: Some people say only 50 people were killed by Chernobyl. They are wrong...
Q: Does coal release more radioactivity than nuclear energy?"
A: No.
Q: What does Stewart Brand consider the "most promising technology"?
A: Space Solar Power. Who is Patrick Mooore?
A: ...