As the World Burns: How Big Oil and Big Coal mounted one of the most aggressive lobbying campaigns in history to block progress on global warming - ROLLING STONE
JEFF GOODELL Posted Jan 06, 2010 8:15 AM
Since the elections, Goodell reports over $80 billion has been allocated for clean energy and green jobs. A more interesting fact, Goodell states, is according to the Center for Public Integrity; the number of lobbyists devoted to GCS had increased “fivefold since 2003” to just under 3,000. That is 5 lobbyists per 1 Congressional member. Furthermore, the Center found only “138 of the lobbyists were pushing for alternative energy – the rest were heavily weighted toward fossil fuels” during the current legislative session.
Furthermore, it seems the millions spent on advertising, stating our energy bills would rise by “$1,500 a year” according to the Heritage Fund, did win out over the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office’s calculation “that the proposed bills would cost families no more than $175 a year” – the equivalent of “about a postage stamp a day.” The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) alone spent $18 million on an ad campaign of “clean coal,” another $10 million was spent on lobbying. The money didn’t stop there. But the victory did seem evident to one side by early 2010. are being made as we speak behind closed doors and new "clean power" will be online w/o public comment b/c this country "must secure its energy security"...(meaning stating energy is a matter of national security means laws of public comment and environmental codes don't have to be followed)...this Administration and the EPA and DOE will suspend the rules for pilot project and shovel ready technologies that have not yet been tested. This means new nuclear technology and "clean coal".
Last month the President sent out a Memo stating:
"To further this work and develop a comprehensive and coordinated Federal strategy to speed the commercial development and deployment of clean coal technologies, I hereby establish an Interagency Task Force on Carbon Capture and Storage (Task Force). You shall each designate a senior official from your respective agency to serve on the Task Force, which shall be Co Chaired by the designees from the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency.
The Task Force shall develop within 180 days of the date of this memorandum a proposed plan to overcome the barriers to the widespread, cost-effective deployment of CCS within 10 years, with a goal of bringing 5 to 10 commercial demonstration projects online by 2016. The plan should explore incentives for commercial CCS adoption and address any financial, economic, technological, legal, institutional, social, or other barriers to deployment. The Task Force should consider how best to coordinate existing administrative authorities and programs, including those that build international collaboration on CCS, as well as identify areas where additional administrative authority may be necessary. The Co Chairs shall report progress periodically to the President through the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality." plants won't have to follow any laws or regulations, they will be exempt from the Clean Air Act, public comment, and discourse on permits.