Newsbrief from
Environmental Building NewsMarch 1, 2010
Los Angeles Considers Mandatory Rainwater Capture
The Los Angeles Department of Public Works (LADPW) has approved an ordinance that would require the capture and reuse of stormwater by new homes, large developments, and certain redevelopments in the city. If signed into law, the ordinance would apply to runoff from ¾-inch (or greater) rainstorms, requiring 100% reuse or infiltration, thereby preventing an estimated 104 million gallons of polluted water from entering the ocean. Mitigation fees, which the Building Industry Association (BIA) has opposed, would apply to builders who are unable to fulfill the requirements of the ordinance. Negotiations between LADPW and BIA have yielded a $13 per gallon fee for neglected rainwater—originally set at $20—and the option of cleaning runoff in a high-efficiency bio-filtration system before releasing it. Collected fees would finance future low-impact public development projects. The ordinance, if passed, would be effective by 2011.
Bill turns rainwater into toilet water - A bill passed by the Illinois Senate Environment Committee Feb 24 will make it easier for businesses and homeowners to collect rainwater to be used for non-potable uses, such as flushing toilets. The bill, Rainwater Harvesting for Non-Potable Uses, is co-sponsored by state Sen. Susan Garrett (D-Highwood) and state Rep. Kevin McCarthy (D-Orland Park) and if passed would require the Illinois Department of Public Health to develop standards for rainwater capture, ensuring that rainwater could not enter the public water supply.
Local News8 - Utah OKs rainwater harvesting - Senate Bill 32 would permit the collection of no more than 2,500 gallons in a storage container. If it becomes law Utahns wouldn't be able to just put out barrels in the backyard. The proposal requires registering with the state and buying a standardized container. States Harvesting Community - Harvest Green Infrastructure Report