"Auto industry’s biggest trade group speaks out against Murkowski bill, throws support behind EPA regulation of greenhouse gas emissions.
The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers is officially opposed to Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s (R-Alaska) effort to block EPA from regulating greenhouse gases through a congressional resolution of disapproval.
The Alliance, which includes 11 major carmakers, worries the resolution to overturn EPA’s finding that greenhouse gases endanger human health and welfare would derail an agreement reached with the Obama administration on higher fuel efficiency standards. The so-called endangerment finding is the legal underpinning of EPA's efforts to regulate carbon emissions.
Automakers like the agreement they reached with the administration because it allows them to operate under one federal standard and not the “patchwork quilt” of state fuel efficiency regulations they feared."
http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/677-e2-wire/87429-auto-alliance-opposes-murkowski-on-epa-greenhouse-gas-regsThe EPA's so-called "One National Program" is a major accomplishment for the Obama administration - fuel efficiency standards will be the same across the country. Good for manufacturers, good for everybody.
The lights are on in the White House, and somebody's home. :applause: