The Oyster Creek nuclear station is on, um, 820 acres, about 3.2 square km, but the reactor is contained in a single building, um that one can see from the beach.
Here's the reactor, which produces as much
energy - not that we have too many "solar will save us" people who have
ever been able to comprehend the difference between energy and PEAK power, not that wind or solar systems ever actually
reach PEAK power.
Here's a picture of the building that produces as much energy as an entire nation (Denmark) of whirling">crashing metal.
Let's see if we can, um, take the square root of 3.2, OK, which, assuming one has passed 4th grade math, will give the distance of any side of a square, even though we understand that most of the property is, um, pristine, and hardly covered with turtle corpses, in the way, say that a wind farm in Texas might be covered by pureed whooping cranes and falcons.">Whooping Cranes Threatened by Wind Farms. Of course, desert tortoises love eating cadmium when the fucking useless solar toys blow apart in the wind.
I mean if we can't just make shit up and be arbitrary, is it fun? Why no? Reality? We don't need no stinkin' reality.
So about that square root problem: The square root of 3.2 km
2 is, um, 1.78 km, roughly, meaning that one can drive a speeding Tesla car past it in, um, about one minute, if one can convert mph to meters per second.
If one can't, well, one must be taking anti-nuke juice.
The coast line of New Jersey is 703 km, dotted, of course, by dangerous fossil fuel terminals, but also quite a stretch of pristine beach, only disturbed by stupid four wheeling vehicles from the stupid car CULTure that our anti-nukes are always
ignoring because they. couldn't. care. less. The, tidal coastline, however is 2,884 km, since New Jersey's coast has something called barrier islands, inlets, etc, etc, not that there is ONE anti-nuke who can understand geometry, since it is a mathematical concept. can swim in the waters off of Oyster Creek, and people actually
do this, um, all the time, including the side on Barnegat Bay, which is often traversed by a huge flotilla of speeding speed boats occupied by shit heads who couldn't care less about turtles, and about whom vicious, ignorant anti-nukes couldn't. care. less. either. I mean, when was the last time that an anti-nuke here ever voiced a word against speedboats or any of the other dangerous fossil fuel crap they. couldn't. care. less. about?
Here are the temperatures this week in Barnegat Bay this week: one has ever taken a science course in one's life, one can discover whether this is hot or cold, and if one can't, one can join Greenpeace.
Or one can look at photographs taken by turtle conservationists, um, on January 10, 2010 - some 43 years after Amory Lovins told us we would be using 18 quads/exajoules of solar energy by 2000. that floating stuff? It's called, um, ice.
So, as we sit here munching on our delicious pureed whooping crane, contemplating the 36,000 acre (145 sq. km) field of Texas grease sticks in the sky,">made in China, driving trucks over whatever happens to be in the way while we install the big worthless temporary chunks of whirling metal, and driving trucks
back to pick up the pieces when they fly apart, catch fire, drip lubricants and whatever else, we'll pretend that we give a shit about wildlife in our selectively attention.
Nuclear power need not be perfect to be vastly superior to all the shit that anti-nukes couldn't. care. less. about.
It only needs to be vastly superior, which, happily, it is.
Have another oblivious, selectively attentive, concern troll evening.