It's probably bullshit from Lovins or some other dogmatic anti-nuke.
I note that except for hydro - which contributed to the largest energy disaster of all time, the one that anti-nukes couldn't care less about - is a MAJOR form of energy, and thus is
entirely not connected with reality.
It's 2010, and I've been here for 8 years listening to the bullshit delusional claim,
that solar energy will become competitive always by such and such a date with
any form of energy.
I note, with due contempt, that the figures
made up for nuclear are oblivious, since nuclear power retail costs 1/3 as the bullshit figure in the fraudulent graph in France right now, and as usual therefore consists of the bullshit claim that was has already happened is impossible.
As for solar, 50 years of fraud prognostications about it being something more than a toy for rich oblivious dogmatists is belied by the figures provided by the solar industry
today, not in fantasy land, but today:'s even worse is that even these figures consist of the soothsaying claim that solar installations will actually
last. They ignore the observed phenomena of solar thermal plant explosions, inverter burn out, and the fact that there are almost no wind turbines on this planet that survived 20 years, and many of them blow apart after just one or two years.
The World Nuclear Organization, which, um, consists of people who actually run nuclear reactors and have apparently no desire to shut them down and replace them with the toys pushed by oblivious light weight bloggers who have no problem apparently with the status quo, report the following figures:
This of course, is involved in the fact that all US nuclear plants have operated long enough to be amortized, more or less. that no soothsaying is involved. However, it is true that anti-science luddite vandals have effectively destroyed nuclear infrastructure around the world and in the United States because they elevate their own paranoia, fear, ignorance over the needs of humanity. Thus some FOAKE costs will have to be paid by humanity a second time. Nevertheless, nuclear viewed on a combinatorial optimized vector in dimensions of sustainability, safety, low environmental impact and economics cannot be beat, especially strip mining our soil, sticking grease sticks in our sky, or by tearing up the planet for the last shred of fossil fuels.