Sorry, my hyperbolic title for an NYT story that ran yesterday:
Among Weathercasters, Doubt on Warming"The debate over global warming has created predictable adversaries, pitting environmentalists against industry and coal-state Democrats against coastal liberals.
But it has also created tensions between two groups that might be expected to agree on the issue: climate scientists and meteorologists, especially those who serve as television weather forecasters.
Climatologists, who study weather patterns over time, almost universally endorse the view that the earth is warming and that humans have contributed to climate change. There is less of a consensus among meteorologists, who predict short-term weather patterns." Romm at Climate Progress gets credit for this very responsible hammering of both TV weathercastmeteoropseudoclimatologists and the NYT for lending them credence:
In yet another front-page journalistic lapse, the NY Times once again equates non-scientists — Bastardi, Coleman, and Watts (!) — with climate scientists"The NYT still reaches millions on unsuspecting people expecting to be informed on the key issues of the day. And this is what passes for front-page journalism in the former paper of record:
Climatologists, who study weather patterns over time, almost universally endorse the view that the earth is warming and that humans have contributed to climate change. There is less of a consensus among meteorologists, who predict short-term weather patterns.
Huh. People who don’t actually study the climate and aren’t actually scientists have less of a firm grasp of the overwhelming scientific evidence on human-caused climate change. Stop the presses, clear page one, get me Clark Kent and Lois Lane on rewrite!"