associated with aerosol air pollutants from burning wood in papers like, um,">Chemical characterisation of fine particle emissions from wood stove combustion of common woods growing in mid-European Alpine regions.
In fact, if one is
not a lightweight goof who waxes insipid while calling for the dumping of
carcinogenic anhydrosugars into the atmosphere of every living thing, if one is oblivious to anything remotely involved with science, one can avoid the clear literature comparing wood smoke with tobacco smoke.
If, on the other hand, one is
serious one understands that the continuous average power consumption of the State of Washington is 29,494 MW. of which, to three significant figures 20 is zero percent. also recognizes that Washington State produced 110,828,451
Megawatt-hours of electric power in 2008 of which only a tiny fraction involved chopping and chipping pristine forests and converting the contents into particulate carcinogens.
Have a nice oblivious denialist goof day.