BOSTON — Invoking the claims of an MIT climatologist, a veteran Boston-area TV meteorologist has cited “alarmists” in the climate change movement and suggested responses to purported manmade global warming are a waste of time and money.
Tim Kelley, a meteorologist at New England Cable News who is married to Scituate Republican Town Committee Chair Janet Fogarty, told a crowd at a GOP St. Patrick’s Day breakfast this month “the forecasts that the alarmists have made are obviously not coming true.” Before a crowd of state officeholders and candidates, Kelley added, “We’re wasting so much time and so much money on that issue.” “It is a little confusing,” said Kelley, NECN’s meteorologist since 1992. “I’ll tell the truth here. The world is warmer this year than it has been in the last 20 years. But it is a natural process. It is actually warmer at the poles and we do have an El Nino. The fact is though that this cycle is a natural cycle.”
Kelley acknowledges his views put him at odds with powerful forces pushing an agenda of economy-wide targets to reduce carbon emissions. Supporters of those efforts have described warming as a modern-day “defining issue” and asserted that policymakers can’t ignore scientific conclusions that warming is a man-made crisis.
But Kelley says the carbon dioxide “that we emit” makes up .039 percent of the atmosphere “and of that only a small percentage is contributed by mankind.” Taking note of a recent push for nuclear power, Kelley called it “so absurd” that people “are more afraid of now of this tiny amount of CO2 than we are of plutonium and uranium.”
Ed. - emphasis added. like those perfessers have met their match!!