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Campaign launched to gather 500,000 signatures in support of capping CO2 at 350 ppm

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wtmusic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-31-10 12:39 PM
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Campaign launched to gather 500,000 signatures in support of capping CO2 at 350 ppm

"Dr. James Hansen, Barbara Kingsolver, Ed Begley, Jr., Bonnie Raitt, Lemony Snicket, Sierra Club Board Member Among First Signers

WASHINGTON— The Center for Biological Diversity today launched a campaign to gather 500,000 signatures on a People’s Petition asking the Environmental Protection Agency to set a national pollution standard to reduce carbon dioxide pollution in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million. Atmospheric CO2 is currently at 390 parts per million and growing, causing a dangerous climate disruption.

The People’s Petition is in support of a Clean Air Act legal filing submitted by the Center and in December 2009 to set an upper limit of 350 parts per million on dangerous greenhouse gas pollution. The EPA is currently reviewing the request and is expected to render a decision later this year.

Though Congress and the White House have been crafting legislation, and the EPA is beginning the process of regulation, there is as yet no formal scientific standard determining what the safe level of carbon dioxide is and how deeply emissions need to be reduced to return to the safety zone."

Sign here:
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Birthmark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-31-10 01:29 PM
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1. A noble sentiment
...but I see a ship, the pirate ship CO2, sailing away over the horizon. I doubt we can catch it in time to prevent harm.

Still, I guess it's worth a try.
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