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For the Smart Grid, a ‘Synchrophasor’

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phantom power Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 10:41 AM
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For the Smart Grid, a ‘Synchrophasor’
It might sound sound like a device out of a Start Trek movie, but a synchrophasors is actually a metal box about the size of a mailbox (this kind) that sits in an electricity substation — the junction point for transmission lines. It measures conditions on those lines — like power flows, voltage and some more exotic characteristics of electricity, like frequency and phase angle — and reports the information back to a computer at a grid control center.


Of course, much of this sort of monitoring is already commonly done. The difference is, most existing devices report once every two to four seconds, which is an eternity in the world of the high voltage grid. The synchrophasors will report back 30 times a second.

Better yet, it will report back with a time stamp, which it will generate by listening for a GPS signal, so that all the reports can be synchronized and computers at the control center can be clear on the sequence of events. Hence the term “synchrophasor.”

With more frequent sampling, grid operators will be able to see disturbances as they begin to develop, and take compensating actions, like shifting the location where power is being added to the system, according to Roger Harszy, the vice president of real time operations at the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, the largest grid organization in North America in terms of square miles covered — and the second largest in terms of customers supplied.
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hunter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 11:10 AM
Response to Original message
1. Increased confidence allows one to operate closer to the edge of the precipice...
Will this Synchrophasor be used to improve the stability of the system or will it be used to run the system closer to the edge?

Where's the profit? That's where you'll find the answer.
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phantom power Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 11:12 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. You are cynical and gloomy.
I approve.

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zipplewrath Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 11:18 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. yup
Although, I will say, they already run the power generation facility like that. They are pretty sensitive to "down time" so they may not necessarily wanna play it TOO close. When a grid goes down, it's a VERY expensive proposition to bring it back up. The profit motive is both the risk generator AND the regulator here.
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muriel_volestrangler Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-03-10 07:13 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. It will improve stability and efficiency
Not running the system "close to the edge" means running it at excess capacity, ie wasting energy in case something goes wrong. So the answer to your question is 'both', and that's a good thing.

And as the article says, if you're going to use more power from variable sources like wind and solar, you have to use technology to do so, if you want the output from the grid to be steady.
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hunter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-03-10 11:21 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. Or, if you are like most U.S. utilities...
... you can push your ancient and decrepit infrastructure a little harder and maybe it won't blow up or catch fire.
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