There is a brief explanation here which further puts my concerns to rest:*snip*
Well location A, X: 1202803.88 Y: 10431617.00
Well location B, X: 1202514.00 Y: 10434194.00
The DougR post you're referring to was about the positions of ROVs, not the well itself.
Drilling a well requires an API#. There is one and only one API#. The drilling was begun by Transocean Marianas. It was damaged by a hurricane and drilling was abandoned in November 2009. Drilling was re-commenced in February 2010 by Deepwater Horizon. At that time the API# received a -01 extension to reflect the second attempt, but the location was identical.
The video you're referring to begins by assuming that two wells were drilled. That's wrong and the video is intentionally misleading.
john - One fact might help put your mind at ease. All drilling rigs, onshore and off, are required to have a well identification sign posted when they are drilling. Offshore the signs are huge so they can read by MMS/Coast Guard inspectors passing by in a chopper. The sign has the well name, operator, MMS lease number and the well's API number. I suppose if an operator could talk a drilling contractor into poking a hole without a valid permit it could happen. All the driller has to be willing to do is have the rig manager arrested, his $700 million rig confiscated and lose all rights to work in US waters. Wonder how much an operator would have to pay a drilling company to take such a risk.