for the power they produce (usually 20-40 cents per kwh).
In most countries, feed-in tariffs are reduced or sunseted in the out years.
They are designed to quickly ramp up PV deployment, which encourages manufacturers to make use of economies of scale to reduce PV panel prices - which they have done big time

and countries that have introduced FITs produced lotsa green jobs...
Renewable Energy Jobs Soar in Germany energy jobs in Germany shot up to 249,300 in 2007, almost double the 160,500 green jobs in Germany in 2004.
According to revised government figures, as many as 400,000 people could be employed in the renewable energy industry in Germany by 2020. This is 100,000 more jobs than a previous study had predicted due to the boost that the country's economy and exports received as a result of massive investment in the renewable sector.
"The systematic expansion of renewable energy is not only good from the environmental and climate policy point of view but also for innovation, growth and employment in Germany" Sigmar Gabriel, the German Minister for Environment said.
New figures published on March 14, 2008 (Bruttobeschäftigung 2007 by Marlene Kratzat, Dietmar Edler, Marion Ottmüller and Ulrike Lehr) show that solar sector jobs are being added the fastest but that employment in all green energy segments has been growing rapidly.