recent post at the Climate Progress blog gives the ten most convincing indicators that human beings are affecting the planet's climate:
The NOAA State of the Climate 2009 report is an excellent summary of the many lines of evidence that global warming is happening. Acknowledging the fact that the planet is warming leads to the all important question: What’s causing global warming? To answer this, here is a summary of the empirical evidence that answer this question. Many different observations find a distinct human fingerprint on climate change:
Science isn’t a house of cards, ready to topple if you remove one line of evidence. Instead, it’s like a jigsaw puzzle. As the body of evidence builds, we get a clearer picture of what’s driving our climate. We now have many lines of evidence all pointing to a single, consistent answer – the main driver of global warming is rising carbon dioxide levels from our fossil fuel burning.
– John Cook, Skeptical Science.
JR: I would add that, as science adviser John Holdren often points out, in order to refute the theory of human-caused global warming, you would not merely have to come up with an alternate explanation for all of the above observed changes. You would have to figure out what unknown factor was blocking or negating greenhouse gases from causing them.
Other recent posts at
Climate Progress indicate that even some former skeptics are catching on to the reality of global warming:
CNN meteorologist Chad Myers, and the UK's
Daily Mail.
Climate Progress also posted results of a Stanford University poll that indicates, contrary to other recent polls, that
the vast majority of Americans know global warming is real!