Ten years and tens of billions of EUROS later, Germany is
http://www.businessgreen.com/business-green/news/2262661/shares-tumble-germany-slashes">Phasing Out Solar Subsidies.
How much ENERGY does the Gazprom subsidiary that the entire nation has become produce from solar energy?
The EIA has begun separating the solar scam from the general rubric of "renewable energy." As of 2008, the entire nation of Germany produced
http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/cfapps/ipdbproject/iedindex3.cfm?tid=2&pid=36&aid=12&cid=&syid=2004&eyid=2008&unit=BKWH">3.8 billion kwh of electricity from solar energy.
Sounds like a lot right?
Bull. There are 8766 hours in a year. This means that the
average continuous power out put of all of the solar PV plants in Germany was the equivalent of a 434 MW gas plant operating at 100% of capacity utilization.
However, this figure is disingenous, since solar energy requires
gas fired spinning reserve - and inherent redundancy - to function, meaning that the number of gas plants shut by German solar energy is, um, zero.
For perspective, the
AES gas fired power plant in Redondo Beach California, past which one can bicycle in 5 minutes - I've done this many times - produces 1310 MW of power. Note, unlike former German Gerhardt Schroeder, who after promising that solar energy would save Germany, went to work for, um, Gazprom whose pipelines were subsidized by German taxpayers, I am not happy about the Redondo Beach AES plant, since unlike Gerhardt, I favor the immediate phase out of
gas power plants.
The 619 MWe Oyster Creek Nuclear Station near where I live would only need to function at 434/619 = 70% to produce more
energy than all of the solar installations in Germany. However, unlike German solar PV plants, the Oyster Creek Nuclear Station need not have a gas plant to back it up. It's actual capacity utilizaiton was, in 2008,
Many people - most of them, like Gerhard Schroeder owned outright by the gas industry - want to shut the Oyster Creek Nuclear energy.
For example:
http://www.rmi.org/rmi/Amory+B.+Lovins">Famous Anti-nuke Amory Lovins describes his revenue sources:
Mr. Lovins’s other clients have included Accenture, Allstate, AMD, Anglo American, Anheuser-Busch, Bank of America, Baxter, Borg-Warner, BP, HP Bulmer, Carrier, Chevron, Ciba-Geigy, CLSA, ConocoPhillips, Corning, Dow, Equitable, GM, HP, Invensys, Lockheed Martin, Mitsubishi, Monsanto, Motorola, Norsk Hydro, Petrobras, Prudential, Rio Tinto, Royal Dutch/Shell, Shearson Lehman Amex, STMicroelectronics, Sun Oil, Suncor, Texas Instruments, UBS, Unilever, Westinghouse, Xerox, major developers, and over 100 energy utilities. His public-sector clients have included the OECD, the UN, and RFF; the Australian, Canadian, Dutch, German, and Italian governments; 13 states; Congress, and the U.S. Energy and Defense Departments.
Suncor, by the way is
not a solar PV energy company. It is a joint venture between Sunoco and Petro Canada which is developing
http://www.suncor.com/default.aspx">Canadian Oil Sands.
One may assume that Lovins "consulted" with another of his funding companies, BP, to help them to create
new oil sands all along the shores of the Gulf of Mexico so they too, can post pictures of trees next to the oil sand rhetoric.
The billion euro German solar subsidies took place on a planet where almost half the population has limited or no access to clean water, health care, clothing or food.