Brunswick's nuclear nightmare
Published Thursday August 12th, 2010
A khaki-clad, buttoned-down Yves Gagnon flashed a disarming grin not long ago as he leaned into his point. Looking more professorial than iconoclastic, the renowned wind energy expert and K.C. Irving Chair in Sustainable Development at the University of Moncton nevertheless allowed himself a low, ironic laugh.
"I'm going to tell you something not too many people know about me," he said. "Once upon a time, I wanted to be a nuclear engineer."
In fact, despite his pedigree and current predilections, the revelation is hardly shocking. After all, once upon a time, didn't everyone with a mathematical mind and a couple of advanced science degrees want to be a nuclear engineer? Wasn't the atomic pile the energy wave of the future, supplying clean, cheap and endlessly abundant power to heat our homes and light our way to prosperity?
Indeed, how the times have changed, as the slow-motion train wreck that is the Point Lepreau refurbishment project, courtesy of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), so amply illustrates.