United States has long been a leader in green technologies. It has also long been a leader in fumbling that lead. Look at the historical record:
Charles Brush built what is considered the first automatic wind turbine for generating electricity. The turbine, built in 1888 in Ohio, had a 50-foot diameter and 144 blades. The industry has since trimmed turbines down to three blades. It has also gone overseas. While the United States has more installed wind capacity than anyone else, the only top U.S. wind manufacturer remains General Electric: They got into the business by buying the wind division of disgraced, defunct Enron. One of the most promising U.S. startups is Nordic Windpower, located in Berkeley, California, by way of Sweden.
Calvin Fuller, Daryl Chapin and Gerald Pearson created the first silicon photovoltaic cell at Bell Labs in 1954. It was only 4-percent efficient, but Bell raised the figure to 11 percent soon after. First Solar and SunPower hail from the United States — and we mint a lot of startups — but the United States is a far smaller market than Europe, and Suntech and Yingli have begun to demonstrate that we don’t have a monopoly on quality.
A chemistry professor at the State University of New York Binghamton, M. Stanley Whittingham, led a research team at Exxon that resulted in the first lithium-ion battery. Whittingham’s titanium sulfide battery, however, was not a hit — Sony’s lithium-cobalt battery became the standard in the early 1990s. The battery industry is now based in Asia.