Republican gubernatorial candidate Charles D. Baker came out swinging at Governor Deval Patrick yesterday afternoon in a debate on clean energy, calling the proposed Cape Wind project in Nantucket Sound “a sweetheart deal’’ among the state, Cape Wind, and the utility National Grid that is purchasing half of its power.
Green-Rainbow Party candidate Jill Stein faulted what she called his administration’s lack of transparency in overseeing Cape Wind’s power contract and said the governor has taken campaign contributions from executives of companies associated with the proposed 130-turbine wind farm.
Independent Timothy P. Cahill said the price of electricity from Cape Wind would “make our state less competitive’’ and drive businesses to relocate out of state.
A clearly perturbed Patrick pushed back at Baker’s assertion that the contract was not competitively bid and was negotiated in secret, with consumers in the dark about the profits Cape Wind’s developers will get. “Cape Wind has been treated like any other’’ energy project, said Patrick.