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Wisconsin GOP Senate Candidate - Global Warming Theory "Lunacy" - It's All Caused By Sunspots, Y'see

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hatrack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-17-10 12:34 PM
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Wisconsin GOP Senate Candidate - Global Warming Theory "Lunacy" - It's All Caused By Sunspots, Y'see

He hopes to oust Democratic incumbent Sen. Russ Feingold, who is seeking a third term. Johnson also faces small-business man Dave Westlake in the September GOP primary election. A global warming skeptic, Johnson said extreme weather phenomena were better explained by sunspots than an overload of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as many scientists believe.

"I absolutely do not believe in the science of man-caused climate change," Johnson said. "It's not proven by any stretch of the imagination." Johnson, in an interview last month, described believers in manmade causes of climate change as "crazy" and the theory as "lunacy."

"It's far more likely that it's just sunspot activity or just something in the geologic eons of time," he said. Excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere "gets sucked down by trees and helps the trees grow," said Johnson. Average Earth temperatures were relatively warm during the Middle Ages, Johnson said, and "it's not like there were tons of cars on the road."

He said he disagreed with any government spending to try to address global warming. A strong economy is the best way to preserve a good environment, Johnson said. Trying to fix global warming is "a fool's errand," Johnson said. "I don't think we can do anything about controlling what our climate is."

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Turbineguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-17-10 12:51 PM
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1. Yes.
We need dumbasses like this running the country.

Where did this "Power to the Stupid" thing come from?
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EC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-17-10 01:16 PM
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2. He's a BP guy
what else could we expect?
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phantom power Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-17-10 02:29 PM
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3. ...and all this book-lernin jiggery-pokery started when we gave wimmins the right to vote!
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