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Rwanda Harnesses Energy from Exploding Lake

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n2doc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-21-10 06:55 PM
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Rwanda Harnesses Energy from Exploding Lake
Analysis by Zahra Hirji

Rwanda is centering its new energy plan on an unlikely, potentially dangerous source: Lake Kivu.

At first glance, the lake's placid blue waters appear harmless enough (shown to the left). But beneath its beautiful exterior lie huge reservoirs of methane and carbon dioxide that, if released onto the surface, would endanger the two million people living around its shores.

Kivu is one of the three known "erupting" lakes in the world. Only a stone's throw away from Nyurangongo volcano, the lake has thousands of years worth of dissolved volcanic gases trapped in its waters.

It's a ticking time bomb, but one with a silver lining. Rwanda's government recently built the Kibuye power plant along the lake's shore, which siphons off the noxious gases and uses the methane as fuel for three large generators.

Currently, the plant produces 3.6 megawatts of electricity, enough to power more than 4 percent of the country. The government hopes that within two years, the plant will be covering a third of the country's needs.

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gristy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-21-10 06:58 PM
Response to Original message
1. The lake is exploding?
That's a heck of a power plant that can harness the energy of an exploding lake. Hats off to the Rwandans!
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RandomThoughts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-21-10 07:05 PM
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2. There is a matrix metaphor in there.
Edited on Sat Aug-21-10 08:01 PM by RandomThoughts
Notice the metaphors?


However it is not anarchy, if you were to steal free will, eventually you would be completely alone, since everything would become an extension of yourself. So you have to limit yourself to not steal free will by not using deception or control, or you end up alone. Or don't let someone control you is another way to look at that. Talking to two different crowds there.

If you are in the world, you are behind enemy lines.

If you still don't believe me, look at the back of the TV in the clip.

Its a metaphor.

Note the scorching of the sky, is the attempt to stop everything of better ideas and thoughts, including thinking and feeling itself, from getting through. Basically for many years, there have been blackouts on many thoughts being on things like TV for instance, or being heard. To try to keep people from hearing good thoughts and ideas. Ironically a scorched sky is what we have with some news outlets today. Although I think we all allowed it to happen.

In my view there are many types of batteries, although I think in that clip it means something else, there are many things loaded with energy. I assume they are talking about issues of slavery, but might be talking about macros also.

For instance, years of hate on radio can load peoples macros with hate, then when needed, like before an election that hate can be tapped and used. That is how something like the mosque dispute works.

A battery can also be faith, and many good things also. Doesn't seem to be limited on that side. I think the song Thunderstruck is loaded with courage, an enemy of fear, and some other good stuff. It has nothing to do with thunderdome from my perception.

AC/DC Thunderstruck

And it has not ran out.
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lob1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-21-10 07:27 PM
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3. I wonder what would happen if you drank a couple
of glasses of water from the lake, then strike a match to your farts. Would you get airborne like a jet, or would everyone be dodging pieces of your exploding butt?

That's the way my mind works. I apologize in advance.
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Dead_Parrot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-21-10 09:04 PM
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4. WTF title of the year
Groovy. B-)
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