Chinese government announced last week that it plans to invest up to $14.8 billion (100 billion yuan) over the next ten years to stimulate the production of plug-in hybrid and all-electric cars. The country intends to have 5 million of these vehicles on the road by 2020. That kind of commitment makes the $5 billion that the U.S. government plans to spend in this direction appear as a paltry sum.
How will China disperse those funds and why is China moving so aggressively in the electric vehicle space?
It appears that the Chinese government adopted the U.S. policy model for distributing funds to their emerging domestic electric car industry. They plan to divide the 100 billion yuan between the development and commercialization of fuel-efficient powertrains (50 billion), demonstration programs (30 billion), and creating a charging infrastructure (5 billion). They plan to provide funding to 3-5 vehicle manufacturers and 2-3 battery and electric motor suppliers.
In addition, consumers of hybrid and plug-in vehicles in five Chinese cities will benefit from significant state subsidies. Those that buy plug-in vehicles (plug-in hybrid and all-electric) will qualify for the highest purchase subsidies.