, the California Public Utilities Commission issued two major solar decisions.
The first was to approve the San Diego Gas and Electric PV program, which will bring on-line 100 MW of PV over the next few years, in 1-5 MW increments. The utility will build and own 26 MW, and buy a further 74 MW through competitive auctions. This program mirrors similar programs in PG+E and SCE utility territories, for a total of 1.1 GW statewide.
Secondly, the Commission approved 2 big PV projects that are being developed by First Solar, for a total of 550 MW. Desert Sunlight for 250 MW has a projected online date of April 2015, while Desert Stateline is for 300 MW with an online date of December 2015.
Commenting on today's developments, Adam Browning of the The Vote Solar Initiative said, "There's been a revolution in solar pricing over the past 18 months,
and these types of PV projects are now coming in at lower cost than new natural gas generation. This is great news for the economy, and the climate. California policymakers are leading the way on the new energy economy."
The Desert Sunlight project is actively seeking American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) funding and is listed as a "fast-track" project for permitting by the Bureau of Land Management. The Desert Stateline project is not pursuing ARRA funding at this time.