...the worst in the world.
China knows it, which is why they behaved as they did during the Olympics.
All that said, China has the most
realistic proposal to fight not only its own air pollution but that of the planet as a whole.
Specifically they are using a huge chunk of the money they've accumulated - to build the largest nuclear infrastructure on earth, with the most variable nuclear fleet in the world with incredible fuel flexibility.
I had an aunt - passed away now - who scrimped and saved her whole life. When her son - not necessarily my favorite cousing - became wealthy he took excellent care of her. She said to me, "Money doesn't solve your problems, but it makes it easier to deal with them."
One may argue about
how the Chinese became wealthy, but the fact is that they had more than one billion people and
did impose, for better or worse, the most draconian population policy on earth. They are now investing their money, in my view, to help a population that
still uses, per capita, 1/6 of the energy that Americans use.
I personally wish they would not try to build a car CULTure, but the fact is, that the future now lies with them.
I analyzed in a very brief back of the envelope calculation what their newly announced reactor policy will involve:
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2010/9/13/901690/-Chinas-Govt-Invites-the-IAEA-to-Review-Its-Nuclear-Regulatory-Needs.">China's Gov't Invites the IAEA to Review Its Nuclear Regulatory Needs. These reactors will be available into the 22nd century. They are the equivalent of removing from earth's atmoshere, nearly the equivalent of all the waste dumping the USA puts in the air to produce electricity.
China is showing it
can phase out coal.
If they build 400 GWe of nuclear capacity, 80 GWe in the next ten years as planned - they are building plants, and placing orders all around the world, building infrastructure to do this - they will produce more
nuclear electricity than the US produces
A close look at their plans shows that they are very electic and have carefully thought through their fuel cycle and expanding the use of nuclear energy to include transportation. They
will make non-hydrogen liquid fuels from nuclear energy, both methanol and DME.
We got wealthy historically off sweat shops and cheap immigrant labor, the British, in their times, off brutal colonialism. Neither of our nations paid
any attention to our environments in those times. British citizens dropped dead in the streets from air pollution as late as 1954.
But China
is nearly alone in the world in doing the
only rational thing that hsa a
chance at fighting the pollution mess.