Is this the claim here?
Who pays when Canada dumps coal ash in Rivers? Is that a deal or a bargain?
Who pays when Canada dumps CO2 in the atmosphere? Every living thing on the planet.
Now, my family pays more than three thousand dollars a year for energy, cash outlay, and we of course suffer health consequences from air pollution, heavy metals, etc that probably exceed that value.
The usual claim that nuclear energy is somehow different than other forms of energy because there is some horse shit/cow shit solution to the problem of energy production needs some examination.
Recently I got a quote from BP solar on installing a solar system in my house, not including the cost of destroying the mini-forest around my house. $8/watt for something that runs for a fraction of the day for a fraction of the year
installed (not some stupid generality about costs coming down or the wholesale cost but MY cost, real time.) The contractor, a representative of Home Depot, who was sent to me by BP after I contacted them on their web site, told me that a "good system" would be 10,000 watts, because (and he was telling the truth) the system works part of the time. The cost includes installation and an inverter but not construction of a south facing roof.
So basically my family would have to pay $80,000 to get a system that works less than 1/3 of the time - after trashing the environment around our home. Now I personally know stupid people - some of whom who claim to be scientists in spite of the fact that they clearly cannot compare two integers - who say that this cost is cheap, while any expenditure on nuclear energy, even $3,000 is unacceptable. What these total morons are saying that $80,000 ($240,000 if you pay attention to the fact that the system is probably useful about 1/3 of the time on average) is less than $3,000.
This is brilliant. Par for the course.
In Canada, in 2003 over 70,000,000 Megawatt-hours of electricity was generated by nuclear means. In 2004 Canada produced 84,000,000 Megawatt hours of electricity. These figures are respectively, equivalent to The 24,000,000,000 dollars proposed represents
all of the so called "nuclear waste" produced in Canada for all time. these links show the wholesale price of the generated power, respectively $3,000,000,000 and $3,400,000,000 Cdn. Thus the cost was 3,000,000,000/70,000,000 MW-hrs = $42.86 MW-hr and then fell to 3,400,000,000/84,000,000 = $40.48 MW-hr. Now I know that anti-environmental anti-nuclear activists can't do any math whatsoever but to convert a megawatt-hour to a kilowatt hour, you divide by 1000. Thus the wholesale cost of nuclear power in Canada is roughly $0.04 Cdn for nuclear electricity. This is roughly comparable to coal generated power except that the cost of coal waste is dumped into citizen's lungs and water. Moreover this same waste is also about to destroy the entire planet through the agency of CO2.
Now, let's say that Canada has been producing around 75,000,000 Megawatt hours of nuclear energy for around 15 years, which seems reasonable. Let's pretend, in order to make anti-nuclear anti-environmental activists not seem more stupid than they already are, that the $24,000,000,000 is only for these 15 years and not - as is actually the case - the entire cost of nuclear generated power for all time in Canada generated thus far. We then have $24,000,000,000/(75,000,000*15) = $21.33/MW-hr or $0.02/kilowatt-hour. Thus the total cost is $0.06 kilowatt hour, with the
obvious exception that in the nuclear case we have clean air. Now anti-nuclear anti-environmentalists do not care about clean air, which is why they propose happy horse shit solutions to the global climate change crisis in spite of the fact that they cannot show even 10 gigawatts of such installed horse shit/PV/blah blah blah power on the planet or even where 10 gigawatts of such power is under construction. They think it's perfectly OK to dither along at the edge of a climate crisis of unimaginable proportions while we wait for to complete the impossible task of teaching them high school level thermodynamics.
They say with gravity that belies their stupidity that, "that represents $3,500 for a family of four" without recognizing that that it actually represents (for a 15 year period) $233/year, less than $1.00/day, $0.63/day to be exact.
Now, I have kids and because I love them very much, I despise the stupidity of anti-environmental anti-nuclear activists who are trying to kill them through appeals to ignorance. Because I love my kids, I would certainly be willing to pay more than a dollar a day for them to breathe clean air. Hell, I pay more than that to buy coffee in the morning.
The fact is that even if I paid one hundred dollars a day, it is not technically feasible in any sense of the word to deal with the wastes produced by coal and oil. There is not one anti-environmental anti-nuclear activist who seens to get that. What will be the cost if my kid's lives are shortened by air pollution? What will be the cost if they are killed by famine because of global climate change? What will be the cost if they are killed in Repuke fossil fuel wars? I'll tell everyone who asks that it will be a fuck load more than 233 bucks a year.
Meanwhile the horse shit crowd motors along thinking that the shit they allow to be dumped into the air, coal and oil waste, has no cost. Meanwhile they have the moral weakness to whine and cry over the leaky pipe at Sellafield which has injured zero people. They apparently have no intellectual pride whatsoever. They are as bad as Bushies.
No wonder these people so admire horse shit. They are full of it.