What is the world coming to!! Pittsburgh is cleaner then the California.
Pittsburgh data from the report:
Population: 2.4 million
Short-term particle pollution rank: 3
Year-round particle pollution rank: 5
http://www.forbes.com/2010/11/15/americas-dirtiest-cities-business-energy-dirty-cities_slide_2.html#1 is Bakersfield:
No. 1: Bakersfield, Calif.
Population: 800,000
Short-term particle pollution rank: 1
Year-round particle pollution rank: 2
Ozone pollution rank: 2
Hot, dusty and surrounded by California's San Joaquin Valley oil fields, Bakersfield has all the ingredients for the worst air in the nation.
http://www.forbes.com/2010/11/15/americas-dirtiest-cities-business-energy-dirty-cities_slide_11.htmlGASP (Group against Smog and Pollution, founded in 1969) is going to be proud of this report (and still mad that Pittsburgh is NOT trying even harder to clean up its air).