Logical Argument Against Man Made Global Warming for the Layman
This essay was completed as part of the completion of a BS in Journalism: Communication Studies from the University of Oregon. The author is a vegetarian, he recycles, he uses a bicycle as his primary mode of transportation, and his home is powered by wind power. He is not employed by any oil or gas company or any special interest group. You can contact the author at
I. Introduction
Did you know that the Earth has been cooling for the last decade? Did you know that the poles of the planet are gaining about as much ice as they are losing? Did you know that for 420,000 years changes in the Earth's temperature have happened before changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide? These are not things that you are likely to learn by listening to the mainstream media. This paper has two goals. First, it tries to educate the reader about some of the issues surrounding manmade global warming (hereafter simply "global warming"). Second, it makes a logical argument against global warming. This paper does not address the issue of what should or should not be done about global warming. This paper simply addresses the question: Is global warming occurring? This paper makes the following arguments: 1) The IPCC is driven by politics and is not an objective scientific body. Its conclusions are untrustworthy. 2) There is still scientific debate about global warming. 3) Computer climate models are unreliable. 4) Changes in energy from the sun drive climate change on Earth, not carbon dioxide. 5) Earth's temperature has been warmer in the past. It is not hotter than normal.
Therefore, global warming has not yet been proven.