Polar bears have been spotted carrying their cubs on their backs while they swim through icy waters, according to researchers. It is thought the practice is new and the result of the bears having to swim longer distance in the sea because of reductions in the Arctic ice in the summer.
The scientists say that in the face of the longer swims, travelling on the mother's back could be vital for the survival of the cubs in waters surrounding scattered ice, which is prime seal-hunting territory for the animals. Travelling on the mother's back will mean the cub's body will be in direct contact with the adult's fur and a large part of the baby will be out of the icy water thereby reducing heat loss.
Geoff York, polar bear specialist from WWF, said: "As the Arctic ice continues to melt, it is likely that polar bears are increasingly going to have to swim longer distances.
"Data from tagged bears near Alaska has indicated swims of 350-400 miles in the past four years and if polar bear cubs are forced to cover these distances, then it is vital for them to behave in a way that minimises heat loss. "This reported behaviour, and anything else that helps cub survival in those circumstances, is good news."