Government = bad, individual = good is of course a familiar position. I believe there is a subset of people in Idaho with the same ideology. They are, as I recall, survivalists.
As for the issue of what constitutes "common sense," and what constitutes environmental awareness, and for that matter whether doggerel about blue balls constitutes poetry or presumption, I definitely have my own opinion.
I seriously debated with myself whether I needed to dignify wet behind the ears adolescent twerps who question my liberal credentials because I am passionate about the need for nuclear energy. After all, my involvement in liberal causes, the end of racism, the struggle for women's rights, the construction of a body of international law, rights for the impoverished etc, etc, began not just before when some of my critics were in diapers, but before they were even imagined. I really don't feel a need to justify myself to neonates for whom I have little respect at this point in a long life.
Of course, I did have my own scientifically illiterate period of self-serving middle class immature myopia, in which I had a rather dogmatic (and limiting) approach to what is and is not liberalism. For instance, I would have not been caught dead supporting nuclear power, because it wasn't part of "the program" back in the late 1960's and the entire decade of the 1980's. For me at that time, liberalism was a lock step adoption of quasi-official "liberal" positions, including suspicion of all things nuclear.
Of course, a fellow I keep evoking - the Nobel Laureate Hans Bethe - was involved in liberal causes, the end of racism, the struggle for women's rights, the construction of a body of international law, rights for the impoverished etc, etc, not just before I was in diapers, but even before I was imagined, held views very close to the ones I now hold throughout his 98 glorious years of life.
I can only imagine how he might have regarded me when I was protesting Shoreham, grousing about the certain disaster that I claimed, with great self supposed authority and gravity, would accompany bringing Seabrook on line. Probably he would have thought of me (privately perhaps because he - unlike me - was a gracious and tolerant man) as a wet behind the ears adolescent twerp. Moreover, he would have been right.
Now our self supposed poets of little blue balls in the blackness of space (gag me) want to represent that all of the world's environmental problems can be addressed with some glib puerile, almost meaningless, commentary about reversing the "the 'I just want it all now' syndrome."
Think about that.
There are more than six billion people on the planet right now. Not one among them asked to be here. Most of them are not - in spite of the limited consciousness of middle class self-absorbed twits - addressing issues of whether or not they can have it all now. Most of them are facing issues of whether or not they will have something to eat tomorrow, whether they find potable water to drink, whether they will have protection from the elements, whether or not their children will ever have access to medical care.
In magical middle class twit thinking, the issues of these people are not just ignored - they are despised. With glib certitude, and disgusting evocations of morality - the same kind of morality embraced by Himmler when addressed the issue of how one remains decent - we hear that the issue is not the issues of the impoverished, but the issue of how piggish the middle class is. To me this is a kind of reprehensible inward looking thinking - thinking that posits that one's own ethics are unassailable and then justifies any criminality in terms of such a dubious assumption.
I am a Democrat, specifically an Eleanor Roosevelt Democrat. This means I am NOT a socialist. This means that I believe that people have the right to become wealthy
through their own efforts. This means I believe in
well regulated lawfully restrained capitalism. This means that I believe in a culture that prizes justice, a culture that prizes and rewards effort, a society in which bigotry of any kind is abhorred, a society that asks questions, struggles for answers and revises those answers as experience dictates. This means that I believe that such will ultimately find the moral course of action
that it not just a theory but is rather a
working entity.
An Eleanor Roosevelt Democrat does not, like an Idaho survivalist, automatically assume that government participation in the economy, in the creation and administration of wealth is automatically evil. On the contrary the great liberal thinkers, from Abraham Lincoln to Mrs. Roosevelt (and of course her husband) regard government as a participant in the creation of wealth, as a partner, as a friend. Mr. Lincoln phrased it in terms of support for "internal improvements," what today we call "infrastructure." Mr. Roosevelt phrased in terms of a "New Deal." Mrs. Roosevelt - in many ways a greater human being than her husband and a prime mover in the United Nations - phrased it in terms of the rule of law predicated on a basic law of human dignity.
One of the important qualities that Mrs. Roosevelt, my heroine, brought to the world stage - and never lost sight of from her youth until her old age death - is measured pragmatism that never loses sight of its idealistic goal. Mrs. Roosevelt probably sat for dinner with the segregationist Democrat James Eastland. Mrs. Roosevelt was probably gracious even with the mass murderer Stalin. Hell, she even supported (albeit with much misgiving) Joseph McCarthy's good friend John F. Kennedy. Even so, she did this with a clear eye on the prize: A decent and sustainable and fair world.
The environment is not collapsing because not enough people drive Volkswagens powered by biodiesel, although this has peripheral bearing. It is not collapsing because too many people want big screen TVs, although this has peripheral bearing. It is not collapsing because people run their air conditioners at too low a setting, although this has peripheral bearing.
The environment is collapsing because the human population is beyond the carrying capacity of the planet. Were the population 1/12th of what it now is, everyone could drive an SUV without too much consequence. As it is, no one can really afford to drive an SUV.
It seems I have to repeat this frequently for the benefit of the stupid and the ignorant, for whom I have so much undisguised contempt, but there are two options for addressing this crisis, one involving attrition. The first is the rational commitment to reduce the birth rate below the replacement rate. The other is mass execution by either deliberate or passive means (ie through famine and/or environmental collapse).
Two options will not be available forever. If the first option is not embraced in a timely fashion the second option will force its way through in all the ugliness we associate with Easter Island, albeit on an unimaginable scale. people suppose I think, that I should shut up because they don't like me. They seem to think that I should credit their suppositions and their vague claims and stupid appeals to the question of whether or not "studies are complete." Fuck that. We don't need studies to show that air pollution kills. In spite of what Dick Cheney and his insipid puppet say, we don't need studies to determine whether global climate change is happening. If stupid people haven't assessed these realities right now, they never will and all the studies in the world won't help them.
Here's a surprise: The worst case nuclear catastrophe happened at Chernobyl. No one wished for it, but it happened none the less. Everybody in Kiev is not dead. The anti-environmental anti-nuclear crowd - of which I was once a member by the way much to my own chagrin and detriment - has engaged in the sure fire method of destroying credibility: They have over promised and under delivered. Clearly such people have no clue about credibility however. Just look at the endless promises about solar power. The fact is that we've run out time while waiting for its delivery.
It's not here. If we continue only to wait we may not last long enough to reach it.
If the population of the planet were sustainable - a billion or less perhaps - an agreement might be possible through the hand waving and posturing of the so called self proclaimed "leftists" (I call them something else entirely) who claim in spite of all practical experience, that everything can be addressed by hand waving and dancing. Then we might have time to muddle through their specious consumerist fantasies of zero risk solar panels and switch grass ethanol plants. Certainly under circumstances where the population was small, the consequences of their being deluded and wrong on these scores would be retrievable.
I have to repeat this again and again and again as well: It is well understood that populations that manage their growth are populations where rates of poverty are low. The means to reducing poverty and reducing thus population are well understood
experimentally. They are consistent with most of liberal principles, respect for the rights of women, respect for the rights of gay people, respect for the right of equal educational opportunity, provision of decent health care, emphasis on the rule of law, emphasis on the importance of the maintenance of peace, etc, etc, etc.
Finland, which is a wealthy country where they are building new nuclear capacity, has stable population growth. Nigeria, where they have no nuclear plants does not. Germany, where huge nuclear capacity has stable population growth. Zimbabwe, where there are no nuclear plants does not. Japan, where they are building more nuclear power plants has stable population growth. Indonesia, where they have no nuclear power plants does not.
Of course the real difference in these countries is not nuclear or non-nuclear. The real difference is per capita wealth. Note that this is not about consumption, just about wealth. It is possible to be wealthy without being a consumer.
I contend that in the age of carbon dioxide induced global climate change, the last option available for the creation of wealth, and therefore the creation of distributed justice, including environmental justice, is none other than dubiously maligned nuclear power. Shoot me for saying so, but the facts will not change.
Now, I have no doubt that I will have to repeat these facts over and over and over again for the preternaturally stupid. Moreover, I am sure that the preternaturally stupid will nonetheless continue to chant selectively about issues of waste and risk and environmental degradation as if such issues were only present in the nuclear case. They will, for instance, insipidly and immorally ignore the question of whether carbon dioxide is a dangerous waste or not.
People sometimes write me and ask me why I bother. The answer is, of course, that truth is often subverted by the unchallenged repetition of lies. It worked for Hitler. It works for George W. Bush. This is why I bother. The world would be a better place if Bush and Hitler had consistently been addressed with the derision they deserve. So it is with all liars and their lies.
My antagonists will continue to try to divert attention from the fact that - for all of their dopey evocations of the dangers of so called "nuclear waste" - they cannot produce one dead body, to the question of whether or not I am nice to them, to whether or not I am obnoxious.
Well, let me help them by repeating myself yet again: I have no intention of being nice. I am not nice. I am indeed obnoxious.
I am also correct.