What it is is a collection of paranoids and flakes who pretend that Ralph Nader is a serious person and who otherwise oppose the world's largest, by far, source of climate change gas free primary energy.
Why do they oppose the world's largest source of climate change gas free primary energy? Is it because they give a rat's ass about the environment, the terrasphere, the atmosphere and the hydrosphere.
Hardly. It's because they repeat year after year, decade after decade the horseshit that the flake consumer Ralph Nader has been handing out for 40 years, because they glaze over at the first sight on an equation in a science book, and because they can't
Ralph Nader is an "environmentalist?"
He isn't but one sees why paranoids are drawn to him.
Now, if one
needs an "environmental group" one is particularly prone to group think.
There is NOT ONE anti-nuke whose babel is produced on this website who has a shred of original thinking.
All of them are complete conservative automatons without a single filter to understand the depth of their own silliness.
Now, why don't you "Public Citizen" types engage in a little of the over arching totally important struggle to maintain the essence of link:
http://www.fluoridealert.org/nader.htm|Our Precious Bodily Fluids.]