January 6, 2011
Conservative scientists take on climate change deniers
As a politically conservative climatologist who accepts the broad scientific consensus on global warming, Kerry Emanuel occupies a position shared by few scientists.
By Neela Banerjee
Tribune Washington bureau
Kerry Emanuel is an oxymoron. He sees himself as a conservative. He believes marriage should be between a man and a woman. He backs a strong military. He almost always votes Republican and admires Ronald Reagan.
Emanuel also is a highly regarded professor of atmospheric science at MIT. And, based on his work on hurricanes and the research of his peers, he has concluded that the scientific data show a powerful link between greenhouse-gas emissions and climate change.
As a politically conservative climatologist who accepts the broad scientific consensus on global warming, Emanuel occupies a position shared by few scientists.
"There was never a light-bulb moment but a gradual realization based on the evidence," Emanuel said. "I became convinced by the basic physics and by the better and better observation of the climate that it was changing and it was a risk that had to be considered."
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