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Bill Clinton Named PETA's 2010 Person of the Year

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bananas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-07-11 09:17 PM
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Bill Clinton Named PETA's 2010 Person of the Year

Bill Clinton Named PETA's 2010 Person of the Year

Former President Bill Clinton, who is renowned for his charisma and eloquence, has worked to shed light on numerous global issues through his humanitarian efforts and his many public speaking engagements. Recently, he has been promoting the benefits of vegan eating after changing his eating habits to improve his health. Thanks to his new plant-based diet, he's shed some pounds, decreased his risk of future heart problems, and spared the lives of many animals.

Because he uses his influence to promote the benefits of following a vegan diet, PETA is pleased to name Bill Clinton its 2010 Person of the Year.

Studies have proved that vegetarians and vegans live, on average, six to 10 years longer than meat-eaters. One reason why President Clinton took a step toward going vegan is that he wanted to make sure that he would be around to enjoy his future grandchildren now that his daughter, Chelsea, is married. Since then, Clinton says that his metabolism has improved, and he now weighs as much as he did in high school—so he's definitely on the right track. "I live on beans, legumes, vegetables, fruit," he said. "I drink a protein supplement every morning. No dairy."

By choosing a plant-based diet, President Clinton has spared the lives of nearly 200 animals a year and reduced his risk of cancer, strokes, and other diseases. Of course, the reasons for going vegan don't end there. The meat industry also contributes to world hunger, exploits workers, and devastates the environment.

Because he uses his influence to promote the benefits of following a vegan diet, PETA is pleased to name Bill Clinton its 2010 Person of the Year. You can join President Clinton in helping to save animals by trying a vegan diet. Take our pledge to be vegan for 30 days and see the benefits for yourself.

People worried about overpopulation must really hate vegans:
"Studies have proved that vegetarians and vegans live, on average, six to 10 years longer than meat-eaters."

Note to moderators: What does this have to do with E/E?
Answer in the article: "The meat industry ... devastates the environment."

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virgogal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-07-11 09:23 PM
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1. Does he wear,or sit on leather? I thought PETA was against leather use.
That said, I wish him well with his vegan diet.
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