Let us know when you get that garbage through peer review (as Jacobson's article has been peer reviewed) and then we will know that you are right and I'm wrong. Of course, since you've produced nothing here but nonsensical garbage with a pseudo-scientific bent to it, we both know that any reviewer would reject it out of hand.
To repeat the relevant critique from below for emphasis:
Your supposed analysis completely fails to factor in the duration of the non-productive commitment of resources required to actually begin generating electricity. All you've done is use sophistry to try and hide your omission.You have not performed an analysis of the opportunity costs of the relevant technologies; all you've done is try to hide the facts behind a lot of made-up nonsense that is designed to (falsely) portray nuclear as being equal to the renewable/efficiency path.
Your supposed analysis completely fails to factor in the duration of the non-productive commitment of resources required to actually begin generating electricity. All you've done is use sophistry to try and hide your omission.4b. Carbon emissions due to opportunity cost from planning-to-
operation delays
The investment in an energy technology with a long time between planning and
operation increases carbon dioxide and air pollutant emissions relative to a
technology with a short time between planning and operation. This occurs because
the delay permits the longer operation of higher-carbon emitting existing power
generation, such as natural gas peaker plants or coal-fired power plants, until their
replacement occurs. In other words, the delay results in an opportunity cost in
terms of climate- and air-pollution-relevant emissions. In the future, the power mix
will likely become cleaner; thus, the "opportunity-cost emissions" will probably
decrease over the long term. Ideally, we would model such changes over time.
However, given that fossil-power construction continues to increase worldwide
simultaneously with expansion of cleaner energy sources and the uncertainty of the
rate of change, we estimate such emissions based on the current power mix.
The time between planning and operation of a technology includes the time to site,
finance, permit, insure, construct, license, and connect the technology to the utility
grid. The time between planning and operation of a nuclear power plant includes
the time to obtain a site and construction permit, the time between construction
permit approval and issue, and the construction time of the plant. In March, 2007,
the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved the first request for a site
permit in 30 yr. This process took 3.5 yr. The time to review and approve a
construction permit is another 2 yr and the time between the construction permit
approval and issue is about 0.5 yr. Thus, the minimum time for preconstruction
approvals (and financing) is 6 yr. We estimate the maximum time as 10 yr. The
time to construct a nuclear reactor depends significantly on regulatory
requirements and costs. Because of inflation in the 1970s and more stringent
safety regulation on nuclear power plants placed shortly before and after the
Three-Mile Island accident in 1979, US nuclear plant construction times increased
from around 7 yr in 1971 to 12 yr in 1980.63 The median construction time for
reactors in the US built since 1970 is 9 yr.64
US regulations have been streamlined somewhat, and nuclear power plant
developers suggest that construction costs are now lower and construction times
shorter than they have been historically. However, projected costs for new nuclear
reactors have historically been underestimated64 and construction costs of all new
energy facilities have recently risen. Nevertheless, based on the most optimistic
future projections of nuclear power construction times of 4–5 yr65 and those times
based on historic data,64 we assume future construction times due to nuclear
power plants as 4–9 yr. Thus, the overall time between planning and operation of a
nuclear power plant ranges from 10–19 yr. The time between planning and
operation of a wind farm includes a development and construction period. The
develop- ment period, which includes the time required to identify a site, purchase
or lease the land, monitor winds, install transmission, negotiate a power-purchase
agreement, and obtain permits, can take from 0.5–5 yr, with more typical times
from 1–3 yr. The construction period for a small to medium wind farm (15 MW or
less) is 1 year and for a large farm is 1–2 yr.66 Thus, the overall time between
planning and operation of a large wind farm is 2–5 yr.
Results of this analysis are summarized in Table 3. For solar-PV, CSP, and wind, the
opportunity cost was zero since these all had the lowest CO2e emissions due to
delays. Wave and tidal had an opportunity cost only because the lifetimes of these
technologies are shorter than those of the other technologies due to the harsh
conditions of being on the surface or under ocean water, so replacing wave and
tidal devices will occur more frequently than replacing the other devices, increasing
down time of the former.
Although hydroelectric power plants have very long lifetimes, the time between
their planning and initial operation is substantial, causing high opportunity cost
CO2e emissions for them. The same problem arises with nuclear and coal-CCS
plants. For nuclear, the opportunity CO2e is much larger than the lifecycle
CO2e. Coal-CCS’s opportunity-cost CO2e is much smaller than its lifecycle CO2e.
In sum, the technologies that have moderate to long lifetimes and that can be
planned and installed quickly are those with the lowest opportunity cost CO2e
Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security
Mark Z. Jacobson*
www.rsc.org/ees | Energy & Environmental Science
Full article available for download here:
http://www.stanford.edu/group/efmh/jacobson/Articles/I/revsolglobwarmairpol.htmAll calculations on the technologies included refurbishing and retrofiting the technologies out to a 100 year window.
After calculating the emissions for all technologies out to 100 years they then take the technology with the least emissions and subtract from that the emissions of each of the other technologies. This yields the “opportunity-cost” CO2e emissions for those technologies.
Of course the lowest emitter has no opportunity costs.