Energy industry and Forest Service officials on Tuesday heard frustrations, sometimes in the form of expletives, from citizens worried about 136 gas wells proposed for the Wyoming Range. Bridger-Teton National Forest supervisor Jacque Buchanan took questions from the standing-room-only crowd at Snow King Resort after telling the audience the decision on Plains Exploration and Production Company gas field in Noble Basin is one of the hardest she’s had to make during her career.
Western Wyoming residents at the forum said government and industry officials failed to keep the promises they made ahead of gas field development in Sublette County. “The violations have been numerous,” Daniel resident Horton Spitzer said. “Do you know how much money has been collected for violations? Zero. We have an air problem and we have a water problem,” Spitzer continued. “We’ve got problems in Sublette County, and we’ll have problems in Teton County. This should be stopped dead.”
The decision on whether to drill was made by the Bureau of Land Management in the early 1990s, Buchanan said. “What’s in front of me right now is the implementation of the
side of it,” she said at the meeting. “This is the opportunity for all of us to work together to end up in a better place with a better product.”
In his expletive-laced comment, Teton County resident Philip Kos said the BLM employees who approved drilling in Sublette County during the Bush Administration for the most part didn’t care about the impacts and if they did care they were fired. “I’m outraged,” Kos continued. “I’ve watched ... Sublette County turn into a f-----g drill pad.”