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County gets $40K grant for biogas pipeline study

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Fledermaus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-25-11 09:15 PM
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County gets $40K grant for biogas pipeline study
Cayuga County has secured $40,000 in federal funds for a feasibility study on the proposed biogas pipeline, touted by county officials as an important green energy project.

The grant, announced Thursday, comes from the Rural Energy for America Program, administered by the United States Department of Agriculture. It will cover a technical analysis of the project, including a clearer picture of the price tag, timeline and economic and environmental impacts the pipeline would bring.

Chairman of the Legislature Peter Tortorici said he and the county planning department have been working on the grant application for several months.

Cayuga County was one of 68 REAP grant recipients in the country and one of two in New York.

The proposed 40-mile pipeline would connect to seven large dairy farms in the southern part of the county.

Those farms have their own digesters that extract gas from manure.

The pipeline would take that gas to the county industrial park in Aurelius where the county would purchase it, convert it to energy and sell it to industrial consumers.
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aikoaiko Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-25-11 09:16 PM
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1. I misread you title at first: an an undergrad I did research on the bogus pipeline effect.

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madokie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-11 04:56 AM
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2. Thats great
we have a soy processing plant who covered their waste ponds with a rubber membrane 20, more like 30 or so years ago and the biogas produced more than supplies the power for their operation (soy processing is heat intensive so they use a lot of gas) plus they sell the excess to the co-gen electrical plant next to them. When they done the initial installation of this they done it all on their own dime. Before the rubber membrane was installed the stench from the ponds was so strong that it made it hard to work in any of the industrial parks other factories if you happened to be down wind from them which with them being on the southern side of the industrial park was most of the time as our wind mostly blows from the south around here. If I thought my septic system produced enough gas to make it worth while I'd be using that gas for supplemental heat but from everything I've read thats not the case as not enough gas is produced from the waste of two people.
On a side note if I could connect a pipe to my ass then we might be getting somewhere :-)

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