Queenslanders are being urged to prepare for the worst as two powerful cyclones threaten to batter the flood-ravaged state.
Tropical Cyclone Anthony is hovering off the Australian eastern seaboard, with authorities warning it will increase in intensity and hit landfall as early as Sunday afternoon, local time. It's feared a second cyclone, named Yasi, will develop from an intense tropical low currently near Fiji.
Deputy Police Commissioner Ian Stewart, who was re-appointed as Queensland's state disaster co-ordinator on Friday, said modelling indicated the low may develop into a cyclone and could hit Queensland on Thursday or Friday. "And that system is quite powerful and large already so we are concerned that Queensland may be impacted by these two weather events only days apart," Mr Stewart said on Friday night.
"Whilst the preparations are the same for both events, there are significant issues in terms of making people aware of their evacuation areas. I would encourage everyone to become familiar with evacuation plans."