July 22, 2005
From: Agence France-Presse
A GLACIER in Greenland is melting very rapidly and has accelerated its slide sliding into the sea, Greenpeace said.
The environmental group said the "dramatic" discovery proves that immediate action is needed to stop climate change.
"Preliminary findings indicate Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier on Greenland's east coast could be one of the fastest moving glaciers in the world with a speed of almost 14 kilometres per year," scientists aboard a Greenpeace ship in the Arctic said today.
In 1988, the glacier was advancing at just five kilometres per year, the scientists on the Arctic Sunrise ship said, citing satellite imagery.
"This is a dramatic discovery," said Gordon Hamilton of the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine in the United States, who took the measurements on the glacier on Greenland's east coast.
<>Any change in the glacier's speed would be very significant in terms of sea-level rise, Greenpeace said...