as far as I can tell. (yes, I'm hedging my bets - my brain is tired)
Bill S517 is from 2002. Search for the bill while filtering "chemtrails".
Nitrogen & Methanol
May 01, 2002
Ethanol producer Archer Daniels Midland, a big Bush campaign supporter, was one of the big winners from the April 25th Senate energy bill S517 (passed by 88 votes to 11). The bill was passed still containing its provision to phase out MTBE by 2006 and the more controversial measure which eliminates the reformulated gasoline (RFG) oxygen standard. The legislators instead found a new way to push ethanol, with its use in gasoline to rise threefold by 2012 to 5bn gallons (15m tonnes) via a mandated Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS). The oil industry came to a deal with ethanol producers to allow the RFS measure to continue in spite of fears from New York and California that the move would up the price of gasoline in those states by $0.10/gallon and possibly cause shortages due to lack of availability of fuel ethanol. Nevertheless, this looks like the end of the line for MTBE in the US, and therefore the largest single slice of methanol demand in the world. In one small crumb.... not to mention that "Chemtrails", in current myth, are total bs. When/if the government decides to spray some shit on it's citizens again (as they have in the past), the facts will only be found after clamoring through woowoo tinfoil disinformation.