So says a new report by the National Research Council (National Academy of Sciences)"Warning that the risk of dangerous climate change impacts is growing with every ton of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere, a National Research Council committee today reiterated the pressing need for substantial action to limit the magnitude of climate change and to prepare to adapt to its impacts. The nation's options for responding to the risks posed by climate change are analyzed in a new report and the
final volume in America's Climate Choices, a series of studies requested by Congress."
Of course every word of this tome can be taken as fact. This is because you can't trust ANY comments by people who are not CLIMATE scientists. People with backgrounds in other disciplines are not qualified to speak on climate issues. Unless you have been granted an indulgence by the Holy Church of Global Warming.
By the way here is the list of report contributors:
* Dr Peter Raven: Botany
* Dr. Pamela Matson: Biology & Forest Ecology
* Dr. Albert Carnesale: Mech Eng and Aerospace Eng
* Dr Donald Boesch: Marine Science
* Dr. Marilyn Brown: Energy Policy
* Mr. John Cannon: Law
* Dr. Thomas Deitz: Sociology
* Dr. George Ends: Public Affairs
* Mr. Robert Fri: Physics & Business
* James Gereiner: BS Mech Eng
* Charles Holliday: Industrial Eng
* Dr. Diana Liverman: Geography
* Dr. Richard Schandensse: economics
* DR. Phillip Sharp: Govt
* Ms. Peggy Shepard: Politics
* Dr. Robert Socolow: Aerospace Eng
* Dr. Susan Soloman: Chemistry
* Mr. Bjorn Solgson: Business
* Dr. Thoms Willbanks: Geography
* Dr. Peter Zandan: Business
COME ON PEOPLE.... Let's hear how the report is crap and these people are morons and aren't qualified to speak on climate issues. Maybe we can get a quote from the famed cartoonist, Peter Jacques?
chirp chirp chirp...that's the sound of crickets as the DOOMER hypocrites have nothing to say.