I personally think that when you're rich, it is ethical to buy solar power.
This is not my beef however. My beef is with people who claim that solar power is an
alternative to nuclear power. This is like making the claim that a Mercedes is an alternative to a Geo Prism.
The ethics of claiming that everyone must drive a Mercedes or not drive at all is a pretty astoundingly Repuke claim.
The per capita income of Italy $21,500.
http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/4033.htmThis gives a measure of the fraction of Italians that will be able to invest $30,000 is a "feel good" solar system that has a capacity loading of 20%.
Italy is buying power from Greece, which the bulk of its electricity by burning coal, and especially dirty coal at that. Therefore if Italy does
nothing but pass laws with no effect, every man woman and child on the planet will be effected.
This isn't a game. Italy will be impoverished when the Alpine glaciers are gone, and they may well be gone before we reach the middle of this century, when my children will still be in their 50's.
There are not 5
realistic solutions to global climate change. There are not three. There are not two. There is one, and time is running out even for that, if it is not too late:
That solution is nuclear power.
After 40 years of endless bullshit, which began just after the broad adoption of nuclear power, of which this claim about Italy is only the latest incantation, there is not one nation on the planet that produces 1% of its power from PV power.
Not one.
There are 19 nations that produce 20% or more of their power by nuclear means, and 8 nations that produce more than 40% by nuclear power.
The 5 nations with the largest economies in the world, the United States, Japan, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom all have huge nuclear capacity. In fact with the exception of Russia, which slightly exceeds German capacity, these are the same 5 nations with the largest nuclear generating capacity. Of the ten largest economies in the world there is only one, (Italy ironically) that has no nuclear plants.
In 50 years of nuclear operations there has been one, exactly one, nuclear power plant failure that has resulted in fatalities, and this in a type of reactor that is (for good reason) relatively rare.
In spite of these spectacular successes and indicators, some nations, in a time of global climate change nonetheless, where the lives of billions of people are at stake, have been convinced somehow that nuclear power is the devil. This is because lies go unchallenged.
Mysticism and religious fundamentalism on the rise worldwide. Americans are now (seriously, apparently)
debating whether or not the origin of life is attributable to "intelligent" design. They are
acting on the claim that God is ordering them to kill. (This used to be the province of people like David Berkowitz.) And they are claiming that nuclear power is the least safe form of energy. All of these claims are equivalent; all represent a serious threat to humanity; all are appeals to dogma.
I really don't give a rat's ass what self absorbed twits with trust funds do with their money. I won't argue that having them spend their money on solar PV systems is somehow worse than spending their money on dope, heroin, fast cars or trips to the liquor store. Clearly it is not.
However, if someone wants to claim that nuclear power is unnecessary because solar power is a success, I have no intention of letting that
lie stand. Success is a measure of results, not promises, not hype.
What spoiled brats do with their money however has next to zero bearing on the question of what to do about the serious crisis the world faces.
In 2000, the illiterate governor of Texas, George W. Bush,
, a promised a balanced budget, peace, moderate balance, a robust economy, compassion and a whole bunch of other crap too painful to recall. There will be hell to pay because people believed these
spoiled brat's lies. However, what hell there is to pay for the consequences of these
lies - which after all involve only the destruction of a prominent North American nation - will be dwarfed by the hell to pay if we adopt the illiterate fundamentalist religious proposition that there is any realistic alternative to nuclear energy.
There is not.