I guess the solar fantasy crowd has no intention of apologizing for its failure to stop Katrina.
How many hurricanes will it take before we substitute rational fear of global climate change for irrational fear of plutonium?
How many people have died from plutonium in the last 25 years and how infinite is the number killed from global climate change this morning?
Radiation paranoids don't know?
They don't care?
I didn't think so.
Someone pmailed this morning to show me the official response of the official
Society of Spoiled Hard Drinking Brats with Zero Understanding of Physics to the disaster that they worked so hard to cause by putting their irrational fear of the elements of the periodic table above global climate change.
And what is that response: Use the occasion to ask for more money for themselves.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x4509906Will these people lift a finger to help the current or future victims of global climate change? I doubt it. More likely they will go to a bar and do what all spoiled brats with poor minds do: Congratulate themselves for being themselves.
And now let's talk about the mindless name calling and the logical fallacy of
Guilt by Association. Certainly if I were trying to defend the weak notion that commercial plutonium is "dangerous," because I say so, and was still unable to produce a single person injured by plutonium over more than several recent decades, I would need to fall back on logical fallacies of these types. This is because there are in fact zero ways to defend the notion that nuclear power is more dangerous than its alternatives.
In fact, if one examines the arguments of the antagonists of nuclear power, one can actually see a text book of logical fallacy, the most common being the aforementioned case and some others that are displayed with astonishingly amusing regularity: "Appeal to incompetent authority, argument by consensus, affirming the consequent... hell, I don't have time even to get pass the A's.
Rational readers should feel free to sort through the list and observe for themselves:
A textbook on how to argue if one has a very weak grasp on reality.Hell, I might even feel compelled to drink myself into such a state as to make shit like this sound good to myself.
I don't have to rely on a list of the Nobel Prize winners in
science who support nuclear energy. I can, as many have graciously written me to note, defend my position by merely explicating the facts.
Note: Some people write me from time to time to ask why I put up with the nonsense and shit and why I dignify this stuff with a response. ("Dignify" might :-) be the wrong word.) I appreciate the support I get, but trust me, I love this. Nothing makes my arguments quite so well as the quality of the opposition.
I really don't give a shit about Dick Cheney (who used radiation paranoia promoted by mindless nitwits everywhere - and not the actual existence of nuclear weapons - to incite murder). Dick Cheney has not caused one nuclear power plant to be built and in fact he has done much to promote fear of
all nuclear things including those that represent our last hope. In this exercise he has been subtly egged on by nitwits with a poor understanding of physics and chemistry in particular, and science in general.
I, for instance, knew immediately that the Niger claim was bogus - because I have actually taken, understood, and passed high level science courses, and because I understand how nuclear things - including power plants and bombs actually work.
I must confess have really never been drunk enough to have spent my time contemplating LaRouche either, although I did hear of him some decades ago, much as one hears of Jerry Fawell or Bill O'Reilly without actually having been directly exposed. I suppose if I were enough of a twit to take LaRouche seriously, I wouldn't be writing so much on nuclear issues, because I would be, well, a stupefied twit.
Enough joking though.
Serious matters intrude and among the most serious is the serious assault on our planet's atmosphere.
As we think about the effects of global climate change on this sober evening, after it has ripped yet another city in a series of cities to shreds, an old city with a rich history and a rich heritage, the rational will know what we must do.
The irrational, however, will simple continue to dribble spittle, never even having the faintest notion of what it means to reap what one sows, but none of this should in any way distract us.