The fact is that the people whining the loudest on this site about fuel prices and the shortage of fossil fuels are the very same people who oppose nuclear power. They are in fact
exactly the same people who spout endlessly about the most expensive and unreliable form of energy known.
Now I'm going to do what you can't do if you are in
International Society of People Who Can't Do Third Grade Math: Calculate!
From solar buzz we have the price for solar energy 21.12 cents per kilowatt-hour. There are 3,600,000 J in a kilowatt-hour and 120,000,000 in a gallon of gasoline, or 33 kilowatt hours. Thus, not even counting the cost of energy storage which, is by the way, expensive, the price of "solar gasoline" would be over 33 * 0.21 = $7.04/gallon.
So why all the fucking weak minded crying? Today's energy prices are roughly 1/2 the prices that the solar only twits are
insisting on.
Solar only people, spoiled brat elitists all, offer nothing than the same bullshit that holy Ralph offered 30 years ago, to no fucking effect.
Now, if I was spouting pipe dreams rather than dealing with reality, I would might wish to avoid pointing up my responsibility when the ostrich comes home to roost in the sand. But hopefully I would have enough integrity as not to
pretend I give a fuck about energy costs.
If there is one anti-environmental anti-nuclear spoiled brat fossil fuel apologist who has a way to provide energy at lower prices than gasoline that is
now being constructed, that now provides a
significant portion of the world's energy demand, we'd all love to hear all about it. But if its going to be more twittery about what "could" happen in thirty years that is
identical to the same twittery that was advanced thirty years ago, please spare those of us with minds.
In the mean time I have no problem pointing out that the rich white trust fund boy belly aching for what it is: Lying.
Any environmentalist worth his or her salt is not hoping for easy consumption of oil. Oil should be expensive, simply because the future cannot afford it, because of a little tiny thing called the "atmosphere."