solar power is not just possible, but that it is the ONLY acceptable solution.
What did you think it meant?
The original "solar only" statement came from none other than the internationally known spoiled brat (embezzling) paranoid twit millionaire, Ralph Nader, who confidently declared in 1978, "In thirty years the world will be 100% solar."
There are still people 30 years later declaring the same thing, although some have readjusted the claim to partial percentages.
Here for instance is a chart from a set of international "solar only" idiots who are rather famous for stunts and appeals to magic: are the key words in their "presentation:" "2050" and "target." Here's a reality: If we rely on there targets "for 2050" we will all be dead, and not necessarily from old age.
Why not NOW? The fucking emergency is NOW, isn't it? Oh I know! It's because what they propose can't be done without impoverishing everyone NOW. I don't make promises on which my grandchildren must deliver. That shit is for the Bushies.
Now suppose that it really
was possible - it's not - to provide 20% of the world's energy by solar means without impoverishing even a larger fraction of the planet, given that the impoverished fraction is
already too large. Where the fuck is the
other 80% supposed to come from?
Here is what a "solar only" advocate doesn't tell you: Coal, coal, coal, coal, coal, and then more coal.
This will make the global climate change even worse than it is now, until of course, the inevitable crisis hits in a grand way.
Now, nobody here can demonstrate a single fucking person who has been killed by nuclear waste, blah, blah, blah. The "...adding to the problems. They have much information to stand on, and emotional outbursts containing one-sided fact up-chucks do not bend their will" is all mysticism and bullshit.
Fact "upchucks?" Gee, I'm sorry to disturb happy dreams with facts. Let's not do facts if they fucking trouble you, if you find them too "one sided." Shit, all we need is
more fantasy.
After you find out what "solar only" is, I suggest you learn something about "realism." Realism involves looking at what works and what doesn't.
Now if solar only advocates were diddling about replacing oil and natural gas, they would be worthy of some respect. If they were trying to pass legislation to replace coal with solar, they would be worthy of some respect.
However, they are not attempting to arrest coal, oil, and natural gas because they have no ethics and no minds. They cannot compare two integers, never mind two rational numbers, nor can they understand even the most primitive results of risk analysis, nor comprehend very basic high school level science. They are attempting to arrest nuclear energy based on "what if" arguments throwing out wild numbers that depend on the most improbable set of circumstances.
Here's a clue: Nuclear energy has a history. It produces 20% of the world's electricity
right fucking now. Now if you shut this capacity off tomorrow there would be two options. Cutting off the 20% of the world's poorest or burning more fossil fuels. There is, in spite of what you may hear from twits, no third option.
Now the external cost of energy has been exhaustively examined and it's very clear, extremely clear, unambiguously and
without possible debate, just as one cannot debate evolution, that the highest external costs of energy are related to fossil fuels. But one shouldn't need fancy studies: It's empirically obvious. You only need look in the sky or on the television news.
Now I ask every day, if so called nuclear waste is so "dangerous," where are the dead bodies? What do I get? Evasion and more misrepresentation, discussions of resumes, textbook examples of logical fallacies, blind drunken blanket statements, links to Greenpeace and but no fucking bodies. Not one.
Coal waste is dangerous. It fucking kills people.
I hear all about nuclear war.
Fucking napalm is dropped on human beings - for the purpose of stealing more fucking oil - but I don't hear about oil war. When was the last time someone died in a nuclear war?
Oh I know! I know! Please call on me! Sixty fucking years ago? That's right, sixty fucking years ago.
Now, if there were no coal, natural gas, and oil facilities on the planet, I might agree to get in a debate on the subject of whether we should attempt to go solar or remain nuclear. But I will STILL demand the same thing: Deeds as opposed big fucking words and promises.
But that is NOT how this debate is framed. It's
nuclear or solar, not nuclear and/or solar or coal. If that's not impossibly stupid, I sure don't know what the fuck is.
I mean look at this shit: Beese Davis? Nothing happened. The failure was
discovered before anyone was hurt. Not only that, the owners of the plant were fined not for damages inflicted but for merely increasing the
possibility of damages.
Apparently though, we have to worry more about this fucking "might have been accident" than we have to worry about the soot, ash, coal dust, acid rain, oil wars, bombings, acid run-off, heavy metal contamination that happen every damn day because the weak minded can't get it into their weak minds that this is NOT a "might have been accident." It is fucking every day
MURDER. It is intentional, ordinary, and unpreventable.
By the way, I don't trust YOU. I trust people who know what the fuck they are talking about, and no one else.