No one is going to buy solar power in New Jersey to save themselves from rising fuel prices. Anyone who does it is doing it for show and/or pretense.
Solar power does not, effectively exist as a reasonable option. Even 40 years of hype couldn't make it happen on a truly measurable scale. Even in Germany, where the so called Greens (temporarily) hold power - although they have been distracted from their attention to solar mysticism while they've been calling for attacks on Iraq - there is really no effective solar PV industry
delivering appreciable power. Oh, there's guys running around shoving half a billion euros in their pockets, but no real delivery. There's the usual spin, and hype, promises, and lots of crowing about 1 mega"watt" here and 2 mega"watts" there, but no real energy
There was a big promise that when solar got a big enough subsidy - in Germany it amounts to an increase in price by almost a factor of 10 - the price of solar power would "come down," enough to be competitive with oil, never mind nuclear and coal. But of course, there was no delivery on that promise.
Now - and please understand that I know that (gasp) numbers don't impress twits because they're connected with something called
reality - let's look at solarbuzz: who can do numbers, and this would preclude the members of
Society of Scammers who Think We Are As Dumb As They Are, can easily see that over the last 5 years, a period during which the so called "Greens," pushed through subsidy bill so that rich investors couldn't lose on the solar scam, the price of solar power fell a mere 10%, from astronomically unafforbable $6.33 per magic solar "watt," to 5.76/magic solar "watt." Using units that physicists use at 0.20 loading capacity, we see that this is the equivalent of the price dropping from $3,160 euros to light a 100 watt light bulb, to $2,880 euros to light a 100 watt light bulb, and of course, as usual, we neglect the cost of inverters and batteries.
What's even more telling is that solar prices have struck already struck an (unimpressive) minimum. They are
rising now.
Note too, from solarbuzz themselves: "The module cost represents around 45-55% of the total installed cost of a Solar Energy System. Therefore the solar module price is the key element in the total price of an installed solar system. All prices are exclusive of sales taxes, which depending on the country or region can add 8-20% to the prices, with generally highest sales tax rates in Europe.
The prices are based on the purchase of a single module and take into account prices across all solar module power bands (i.e. 3 Watts to 300 Watts). This approach is taken to ensure a consistent, but broadly based, Index."
So much for bullshit.
How many Greenpeace Illiterates does it take to light a light bulb? That depends. How much money can they rape you for?
"Solar only" advocates are fossil fuel apologists. You yank the fossil fuel crutch from under them and they scream, because nothing exposes a fraud quite so much as a demand for delivery.
Not one of them give a shit that the city of New Orleans is now coated with a layer of oil - a part of the price for reliance of the fossil fuels they advance with every bit of nebulous feel-good fraudulent bullshit. All they care about is the price of gas, for if gas gets to high, they'll have to walk to the liquor stores to get drunk enough to stand themselves.
Oyster Creek by itself is larger than the entire world solar capacity when measured in the kind of watts that physicists use. Even in magical solar "watts" that pretends the sun doesn't go down the plant makes all the solar whining and hype look ridiculous. At it's just one of such 440 plants in the world.
The days when radiation paranoids could command any respect are over. Not one of their predictions, whether about solar nirvana, the demise of the nuclear industry, the scale of the worse case nuclear accident, the unmanagability of so called "nuclear waste" has proven true.
When people continually insist and advertise for untrue things, they are usually designated in the English language as "frauds."