There are people on this forum way smarter than me so I am completely open to critique here however, at somewhat of a risk, here is a "vision" I have and another way to think regarding electricity.
I favor decentralized energy production of PV power via existing rooftops for efficiency and the diversifying of economic growth across a broader spectrum of installers, suppliers, maintenance, and related businesses.
Rooftop collectors providing electricity and production of hydrogen for community-based fuel cell units Natural gas supply can be used as a hydrogen producing "bridge" fuel to get this going.
This vision is contrary to the centralized massive projects (like big solar collectors in the desert) we are so conditioned to use where a big energy company builds a large plant.
I do understand the power of the corporate energy lobby which have a vested interest in centralizing and controlling this resource.
Nationalizing energy production would be another option but the private sector would never let that happen as the fear campaign would hit the airwaves with great intensity.