However, it would require a
a lot of money. (Where would that come from? Debt & Taxes.)
Google’s using a figure of ~ $25,000/house. OK, so let’s say that in our town, we institute a government program to pay the upfront costs, which will be financed by a “bond issue” (paid for by tax increases.)
For purposes of illustration, let’s say our town has 1,000 houses in it. Because of “economies of scale,” instead of it costing each homeowner ~$25,000, let’s say it
collectively costs our town ~$20,000/house or ~$20,000,000 (which we borrow, and pay back over time through higher taxes.)
Now, extend that to the “Federal Government.” According to the">2010 Census, in 2009, there were 129,969,653 “housing units” in the USA.
Let’s call it ~125,000,000 × ~$20,000 ≈ $2,500,000,000,000 (i.e. roughly 2½
Trillion dollars.)
This figure is not inconceivable (although it’s beyond
my personal comprehension.)
Putting it in some kind of perspective:*
Caveat lector: This is all “">back of the envelope.”