The biggest component of America's trade deficit with China is light enough to hold in the palm of your hand - it's the intellectual property China steals from American manufacturers and then uses to compete against them. If outsourcing labor wasn't bad enough, piracy takes profits over the border to make the theft complete:"Cleantech Entrepreneurs; Hope Wanes For Intellectual Property Protection In China
From this week’s RETECH conference and expo in Washington, DC, there seem few realistic aspirations for energy, clean tech and other entrepreneurs to protect their intellectual property if manufacturing in China or selling to Chinese markets. It is the 600-pound gorilla at just about every conference gathering with an Chinese dimension to it.
While moderating discussions about China-U.S. cooperation in renewable energy at a pre-conference workshop this week, Stanley Merritt, Global Business Development Manager at DuPont, struggled to juggle the competing interests of companies from each country. And it is no wonder. The cross-currents and body language personified the risks and challenges facing technology companies. Merritt acknowledged to many attendees there is no easy answer.
For now, the most prudent approach is for U.S. companies to partner with a company in China. But check the fine print, in both languages, about how much protection that affords. One workshop attendee admitted a client’s “collaboration” agreement, when push came to shove, it wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on."