Construction Complete on Lower Snake River Wind Farm at Pomeroy, WA (Business Wire)Date Posted: September 7, 2011Pomeroy, WA--Puget Sound Energy has erected the last of 149 wind turbines that will power the utility’s 343-megawatt Lower Snake River Wind Project-Phase I in southeast Washington.
The milestone came six months after PSE crews began the project’s turbine-assembly work.
Crews now are focused on finishing the construction of two large substations and eight miles of high-voltage transmission lines that will send the wind facility’s electricity to a nearby Bonneville Power Administration substation. From there, the renewable energy will move onto the region’s electric grid. Read the article for more info, an interesting tidbit was that the winds in that area are so strong that construction was halted 79 times due to high winds.
Now *that's* where we want to put a wind farm!
PS, it took them 6 months from beginning to end. That's pretty darn good.