Helen Dery Woodson, 41, Madison, Wisconsin: Helen Woodson is the of 11 children, 7 adopted, 3 foster, 1 natural. Of the 7 children still at home (ages 4 to 25), 6 have mental and physical handicaps. For 18 years, Woodson ran a daycare center, treatment home and private school and was active in her parish in addition to caring for her family. Realizing that the nurturing of children is meaningless if we cannot give them a world safe from the threat of nuclear war, she founded the Gaudete Peace and Justice Center in 1981 and began publishing HARVEST OF JUSTICE, a newsletter of reflection on civil disobedience/Divine Obedience. Since September 1982, she has been arrested 5 tunes for peace witnesses at the White House, Air and Space Museum and St. Raphael Cathedral, and has served almost 9 months in prison. She dedicates today's witness to her father and children.
http://www.craftech.com/~dcpledge/brandywine/plow/statements/THE%20SILO%20PRUNING%20HOOKSbios.htmShe was a real danger to society, 70 years old and only now released!!!
Most Murders serve less time.
She has been released before, but continued to protest, which violated her parole and she was returned to Prison. Must have served her entire sentence, which meant the Government had to release her.
She had serve her full sentence, but in 2004 convicted ofa seperate incident, it is from that sentence she is being released from:
http://www.motherearth.org/prisoner/woodson.phphttp://www.nukeresister.org/2011/01/Original sentence was only 18 years:
http://www.real-dream-catchers.com/prophecy-protest-principle/larry_cloud-silo_pruning_hooks.htmShe is being released do to a subsequent (2004) incident to her release,