"Tricked and Misled" IAEA, Former Official Says
Friday, Oct. 7, 2011
A former high-level International Atomic Energy Agency official expressed regret in an interview published on Thursday that the organization did not more aggressively pursue suspicions over Iran's nuclear intentions during his tenure (see GSN, Oct. 6).
"When I think about the nuclear activities of certain states, for instance Iran's nuclear program, I have to say that we allowed ourselves to be placated too often. We should have done more than carrying out our inspections. Yes, with hindsight you could perhaps even say we failed," former IAEA safeguards chief Olli Heinonen told Der Spiegel.
"Tehran has announced that it intends to build 10 more enrichment plants, and Iranian experts have conducted experiments with neutron sources and highly explosive detonators that would only make sense for military applications. They're also making progress at the heavy-water reactor in Arak, so much so, that by 2014 they'll have enough plutonium to build an atom bomb," he said.
"I am ... convinced that Tehran will reach the 'breakout capability' -- in order words, the capacity to produce weapons-grade uranium -- as early as next year," he added. "In that sense Iran aims to be a virtual nuclear power with the capability of producing the ultimate weapons at any time."