A new report by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER), a nonprofit scientific research group,
The volume of waste to be disposed of in deep geologic repository is increased about six times on a life-cycle basis
in the French approach compared to the once-through no-reprocessing approach of the United States.
What do you expect the stupid anti-nuclear groups like IEER and UCS to say? BTW, although the "S" in UCS stands
for "scientists", UCS is NOT a scientific organization. It is an activist group that was set up to oppose
nuclear power. How / why they call themselves "scientists" is beyond me.
I posted what a
true scientist says. Dr. Charles Till is a nuclear physicist who was the Associate Director
of Argonne National Lab when he gave this interview with Pulitzer Prize winner Richard Rhodes for Frontline:
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/reaction/interviews/till.htmlThe comment above about the volume of waste is a real test of critical thinking capabilities.
If you don't reprocess the waste, like the USA; and recycle none of the waste; you have 100% of your
spent fuel is treated as waste.
However, 96% of spent fuel is Uranium-238, which is no more radioactive than the day it was dug out of the ground.
96% of the mass is the remaining uranium: most of the original 238U and a little 235U.
You could put this stuff back in the ground ANYWHERE without any special provisions, because that's where it came
from. We could just put the Uranium-238 back where we got it in a Uranium mine.
However, we now treat Uranium-238 as highly hazardous waste
ONLY because it is mixed in with 4% waste that
is hazardous. Reprocessing separates U-238 from the 4% fission products and actinides. That would be a
REDUCTION in the volume of waste by a factor of 25. Kris says it's an increase of a factor of 6; so he's
WRONG by a factor of 150.
In order for Kris to be correct, reprocessing would have to
increase the amount of radioactivity. The
problem is that so many anti-nukes didn't study high-school level chemistry and physics and are totally ignorant
of the fact that reprocressing is a
chemical operation, and chemistry does
NOT create more radioactivity.
A reactor can turn non-radioactive materials into radioactive ones by bombarding them with neutrons. But chemical
reactions don't create radioactivity.
However, the anti-nuke organizations count on the
ignorance of people like Kris to peddle their misinformation.
One of the
MYTHS that the anti-nukes have peddled is that radioactivity is "contagious"; that all you have to do
is be in the presence of something radioactive and you "catch it" like the cold. Professor Richard Muller of the
University of California Physics Department debunks that myth in his book, "Physics for Future Presidents":
http://books.google.com/books?id=6DBnS2g-KrQC&pg=PA121&lpg=PA121&dq=Muller+radioactivity+contagious&source=bl&ots=_0iZSEzkGw&sig=jXGOOjhimQqpZt7fCxEZBhMGY9Q&hl=en&ei=5FmUTqfOIM_JiQL_95mVBQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBoQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=falsePlease people - go to the chemistry or physics teacher in your local high school and ask them if chemical reactions
create more radioactivity. Then you will see that Kris is
ignorant of this basic tenet of science.